For Business Partners

We connect family office capital with family and founder-owned businesses

Guiding principles

  • We back founders and entrepreneurs supporting people and their vision, not just assets and we favour a shared joint vision over control.

  • We seek investment opportunities where we believe we can add value. Our flexible investing model, the complementary skill-set of our team, our broader family, and advisory networks, are all geared towards supporting our business partners to achieve their goals.

  • We are an active and collaborative partner. By supporting founders and teams on agreed priorities we empower them to do what they do best: run the business.

  • We understand the needs of entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses. We have a family partnership mindset first, with a focus on capital preservation, a long term view, and a high flexibility in our investment structures.

  • We aim to create and share sustainable value for all stakeholders, including our partners, management, employees, customers and investors.

Our Value Add

Our team and operations partners have solid hands-on experience to support the management teams in multiple initiatives to accelerate the growth and improve operations

Salesforce effectiveness & commercial excellence

Digitalisation and IT strategy

Procurement optimization

Talent and HR management

M&A execution and integration

Working capital and real estate optimization

Automation, data analytics, and AI


Lean services and manufacturing

Debt and project financing

Are you an entrepreneur with a vision?

Big ideas excite us - whether it’s taking your business to the next level, gaining control of your company you are running through a management buyout, transformative M&A, or greenfield projects. We have expertise and conviction in our chosen sectors and are able to be flexible in our investment structure.

Working together we can find real ways to add value.

Our Team

We are private markets entrepreneurs with deep investment and operational experience, supported by an exceptional network